Rob & Nul/Bleach comic strip

Didn’t realize I haven’t posted this comic yet. Rob and Nul travel to the fictional world of Hueco Mundo from Bleach to help Ichigo’s rescue mission…right in the middle of Rukia and Renji chewing out Ichigo for his troubles. If you read the manga by Tite Kubo or watch the anime, you understand what isContinue reading “Rob & Nul/Bleach comic strip”

Rob and Franken Fran comic

This comic is actually based on my mental health about my doctor’s visit today. Had bloodwork to be done, but I ate breakfast without knowing and it brought me down. So I took out my frustrations and put them in a comic strip that stars Dr. Fran Madaraki from the manga Franken Fran, which wouldContinue reading “Rob and Franken Fran comic”

BONUS: Rob meets Papi the Harpy art

Here Papi the Harpy from Monster Musume interfering with Rob and his marriage before Kimihito Kurusu intervened that day. I don’t mean to portray anything immoral, but I decided to draw Papi, whom I’ve considered drawing before but didn’t for personal reasons, befriending Rob in spite of his wife. It was mostly her idea becauseContinue reading “BONUS: Rob meets Papi the Harpy art”

Childhood cartoon drawing

Here’s a drawing made when I was a kid. It’s looks like a cartoon to me with the bird and worm’s crazy eyes as if Dilly drew them. Dilly = John Dilworth of Stretch Films He might like this drawing for that matter. I also posted it on Mastodon too: Then again, I crosspostContinue reading “Childhood cartoon drawing”

Rob and Maria crosswalk art

Today’s drawing is a trip to the city with Rob and his undead wife Maria where they live. Can anyone guess what city they’re in? I previously wrote and drew them living in Nashville, Tennessee but feel free to guess which city they might be in right now! You could say Rob and Maria liveContinue reading “Rob and Maria crosswalk art”

Zombiepeople color drawing

Here’s a better version of the last Zombiepeople drawing that I made on Paint as well. What’s funny is that I abandoned Paint as a kid to try and use some of the more professional software years ago before I rediscovered using Microsoft Paint. For those just seeing this, it’s an original take on zombiesContinue reading “Zombiepeople color drawing”


Time for a major breakthrough: digital artwork made on Microsoft Paint instead of GIMP. Using this program goes way back to when I was a little kid before I moved. I would draw something on Paint and keep the file on my parents computer as I grew up. I even saved lost Eddsworld fan artContinue reading “BRAND NEW ROB & NUL COLOR ART”

BONUS: Rob & Nul vs the Nickelodeon Box bumper

To make up for a lack of drawings, here’s one where Rob & Nul encounter the Nickelodeon Box face bumper from back in the 1990s. And that not even touching the Canadian Teletoon bumpers from back then as well. Or the Imaginary Forces Science Channel bumpers for heaven’s sake. Yeesh. These bumpers really freak meContinue reading “BONUS: Rob & Nul vs the Nickelodeon Box bumper”

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